Thursday 7 November 2019

December 18, 2017

Today, I am tormenting you with this squeaky voice of mine: I made a short song tribute for the LOTRO Yule Festival. Here is my version of Walking in the air (from the Snowman), with my own lyrics. I made the lyrics last year for a Brandy Badgers tune, so you might hear me singing this in-game too, if you ever come by when we rehearse! *coughs* I recorded this tune when I had a flu, so maybe it's not the best take ever (messy singing and pronunciation), plus I am an amateur when it comes to singing. But as my pa said: every bird just sings with the voice they own. If you want to listen to the original while reading these lyrics, you can always play it here.

Walking through the woods
(you can toggle these lyrics on the video too, in subtitles)

I'm walking through the woods
I've wander'd so far from home
The trees are watching me
As I plough through the snow

It's getting very dark
I feel my limbs are getting weak
All I dream about 's some rest beside a hearth

Then I see a light
It's shining through the snowy trees
I'm holding my dear breath
As I reach a magic world

Snowbeasts lie on the ground
Sleeping peacefully
Snowy grims floating on the icy ponds

I feel I'm getting close
The snowmen are all greeting me
This must be Winterhome
Where no one feels alone

Music streams through the air
Calming, full of joy
Snowflakes dance merrily
In endless whirls

Then, the dream is gone
I wake up in my hobbit hole
Yet I have the strongest feel
That Winterhome is real

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