Thursday 7 November 2019

December 14, 2018

For our 14th Yule calendar surprise, I have prepared something special: A Shire Quickpost Yule Delivery Game! It is a simple board game with a simple objective: try to deliver a Yule gift from the Brandy hall to Michel Delving before the other Quickpost hobbits. Good luck!

To play the game, do the following:

1. Print the attached PDFs that include the rules and the sheets for the board itself. (I had to make separate files for each, because otherwise the file would have been too large to be uploaded to this forum post.) If the pictures are too dark, adjust the brightness settings of your printer and print them again.
2. The sheets A, B and C are to be set vertically to each other: sheet A is the topmost sheet and C on the bottom. You can cut off the marginals at the connecting edges so that there are no gaps in the Quickpost route. I have added arrows to show to which direction the route should continue.
3. If you wish, you can laminate the sheets to make them more durable and/or attach them together with tape.
4. Get a 6-sided dice and game pieces for all players, and you’re good to go!


The structure of this boardgame is based on an old, free board game I got from my bank’s kids club ”Leo the Lion Goes on a Summer Picnic”. It was the cruellest game imaginable – just when you thought you were winning, you ended up going back a long way, just because ”you forgot your keys at the beach. Oops!” I replaced the content, but the rules and structure are basically the same as in my old game. The pictures are more or less edited screenshots from LOTRO.

Enjoy! If you spot any essential mistakes in the game, please let me know and I will correct them as soon as I can.

Links for downloading the PDF files:

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